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Analysis of the relationship and internal structure chart of accounting and financial software system

Source: Site popularity: 1853 Published time: 2019-12-17 16:48:19

Accounting and financial software systemIt refers to the professional use of electronic computer system software for financial work。General detailed financial business management software called financial software and general accounting types called financial accounting software。

Accounting and financial software system作用

1.It is conducive to the standardization of financial accounting, and it is conducive to promoting the standardization of financial management methods and even enterprise management methods.

Then improve the management ability of enterprises, enhance the economic benefits of enterprises;

2.Improve the work efficiency of financial accounting and reduce the compressive strength of financial personnel in the work of accounting and accounting processing.

Change the "heavy carry-over and light management approach" situation。

3.Reduce errors and omissions in the work, facilitate accounting search, these。

Accounting and financial software systemFunction zoning

The internal components of financial software generally include the following sub-control modules or subsystems:

General ledger intelligent management system, solid asset intelligent management system, asset intelligent management system, procurement management system, warehouse management system,

Production management software, cost management system, sales management system, payroll management system, intelligent customer and receivables management system,

Form intelligent management system, financial analysis software, carry-forward system software, information processing system, bill pass, Boss pass, etc。

Accounting and financial software systemFunctional structure diagram:

The correlation of subsystems of financial software

The correlation of subsystems of financial software

Accounting and financial software system说明:

1.Such divisions are not absolute

For example, some financial software will be in which the purchase, inventory, marketing, customer system software combined into a purchase, sales and inventory management system。

2.The seed control module can be explicitly or implicitly included in the phone software

Some financial software still does not have this seed control module isolated, but potentially included in the mobile software,

The information is displayed only after the specified reset setting。

3.General ledger subsystem is the key subsystem of financial software

Most subsystems transmit their own induction data to the general ledger subsystem according to individual jacks。

4.Not all financial software includes this function

Small and medium-sized financial software generally includes only the key system software and some subsystems in it。

Classification method writing

Division by mobile software application domain

It can be divided into general financial software and special financial software。

The former kind can be applied to a variety of manufacturing industries, and the latter kind is generally actually divided into separate manufacturing industry financial software。

According to the presentation of information content at each level

Transition financial software, strategic decision-making financial software。

The former generally does not include financial analysis software, information processing system functions, the latter is included。

Strictly according to the part of the deployment is not divided

Local financial software, free online financial software。

Free online financial software means that the program process is deployed on the operator's network server, and the customer only has to go to the external network to apply the service item at any time。

Free online financial software points:

1) Cost-effective, mobile software can be completely free, only pay a small amount of surcharge。

2) Convenient, can be done on the external network at any time。

3) Simple, without technical professionals or high computer, mobile phone software online upgrade。

Points are constructed according to the available hardware configuration

Common user (stand-alone version), multi-customer (Internet) financial software。

Internet financial software can also be divided into: C/S mode, B/S mode;

Generally speaking, the C/S method means that the program runs on the mobile phone client, and the information is placed on the financial software of the server.

The B/S mode program flow and information are stored in the network server, and the computer browser as the mobile phone software mobile client page。

Free online financial software is the B/S approach。

According to the role of the retention is how many points

Large and medium-sized financial software, large and medium-sized financial software。

The former species usually includes all of the roles described above in (ii), while the latter species only includes some of the roles。

Similarly, the previous kind of large and medium-sized database queries, such as: Oracle, SQL server, Sybase, etc.,

The latter kind of general use of large and small database queries, such as: MySQL, Access, etc。

Divided by application mode

Chinese financial software,The key is divided into two categories: the traditional C/S approach to financial software,Mobile client/network server dual-layer architecture,Such as Changjietong do account treasure professional version, Kingdee software KIS version;Is B/S mode of financial software,Computer browser/web server three-layer architecture,Such as Changjietong "cloud + end" financial software to do account treasure,Not only consider all the requirements of small business accounting,And apply the Accounting Standards for Small Business Enterprises to be implemented in January 2013.。More popular is also a SaaS mode of financial software (free online financial software), such as UF software NC, Changjietong T+, cloud finance network, Feihui network, these can be roughly classified as B/S mode。

According to the method of acquisition

1. Technical financial software is developed by professional software development companies and sold to the national market, with a high degree of availability

2, non-technical financial software is not for the purpose of market sales, the key to the use of the enterprise and development, a high degree of specialization。

For non-technical financial software,It is developed at the request of enterprises,Its actual development mode can be independent development (the enterprise control system design staff independent organization to carry out the development of financial software,Better acceptability);Authorized development (Enterprises authorize professional software development companies to carry out financial software development,High level of professional and technical personnel),Collaborative development (Enterprises and professional software development companies work together to develop financial software,Division of labor and cooperation)。

History compilation

In the early 1980s, microcomputers began to be widely used。Many companies developed simple financial system software, which surpassed the climax in the mid-to-late 1980s。

This kind of financial software developed by the government has a long period, increased cost, low quality, no file format, difficult maintenance, and no way to carry out large-scale marketing promotion。

In 1989, the Ministry of Finance issued the requirements for financial software, promoting technical financial software。

Since then, due to the rapid development of computer equipment technology, financial software will also follow the rapid development。

Into the 21st century,Upgrade in computer systems,Improvement in software development,The development trend of graphics is driven by each other,The application of financial software has entered the period of graphical interface management method,From simple intelligent forms,Interactive financial tables upgraded to a graphical interface,So that customers can be more elegant image,A more visual way to develop the financial management methods of enterprises。

Embodiments writing

General financial implementation is carried out in accordance with the following processes to ensure the orderly and smooth implementation of the financial implementation plan。

1, overall planning, layer by layer implementation

Financial new projects include a wide range of content, so the implementation should have an overall plan, according to the management method of the urgent shortage level, the level of difficulty coefficient in the implementation of the clear first selection sequence, in the economic efficiency drive, the most important to improve the specific guidance, phased, split process implementation。Scientific research can be carried out in a way that is less effective and ensures the successful implementation of new financial projects。

2. Set up key organizations

In order to successfully implement the financial system software, and create a sound three-level organizational structure within the enterprise, namely, the guidance team, the new project team and the responsibility team。Financial system software is not only a system software, it is a reflection of the concept of show management method, related to the adjustment of the internal management mechanism of the enterprise, the change of the work flow and the change of the relevant staff。The big management decision-makers of the enterprise should personally participate in the guidance group, and undertake the first goal formulation, the reasonable flow of resources, the change of major and major problems and the formulation of current policies。The new project working group is responsible for harmonizing the level and unit of enterprise guidance, and its responsible person should generally be the enterprise management, which should have sufficient authority and coordination, and have a rich and colorful project risk management and implementation experience。The Responsibility working Group is to ensure the successful implementation of the financial system software in the unit and is composed of key people from each unit。

3. Study and training

In the whole process of financial implementation, learning and training is a very key stage, business training should focus on the implementation process, and business training should continue to deepen at different levels。From the content: financial theory course, electronic computer and network knowledge learning training, system software application learning training。From the staff: enterprise guide level learning training, new project team learning training, software engineering professional staff skills training and business process management personnel training。

4. Design and maintain business process blueprint

According to the working process of the enterprise, it integrates the norms of financial software to make diversified analysis, and makes the software and steps better fit with each other, so as to establish the overall basis for the next implementation of testing according to the review of the enterprise leader and marketing personnel。

5. Prototype detection

After training, master what the financial system software will do, and then integrate their own requirements, that is, what problems to deal with, carry out adaptability tests, to certify the level of problem solving for the overall goal of the system, what customer-oriented work decisions, how much secondary development labor。The information of prototype detection can be simulated, and it is not necessary to select the specific business process information of the enterprise。

6. Prepare information in advance

The reasonable implementation of finance must invest sufficient human resources and attach great importance to the combing, modification and improvement of data。The basic information is large, and the coverage is wide, such as product varieties, processing technology, work clothes, budget quotas, a variety of raw materials, machinery and equipment, quality, finance, management center at work, staff, dealers, customers and so on。Data statistical analysis should consider the file format regulations of mobile phone software, and ensure its accuracy, consistency and standardization。

7. Simulation operation

After the customization and secondary development, we can carry out the simulation operation with the specific business process information of the enterprise。At this time, some relatively perfect business processes can be selected to carry out trial operation, so as to maintain the process from point to surface, from rough to fine, and ensure the orderly promotion of the new system software。


After a period of trial run, if there is no abnormal situation, the original business management system can be abandoned。Only in that way, all financial system software can get rid of running-in as early as possible, detailed and single operation down。

9. Comparison of results before and after the implementation of system software

After the smooth operation of the system software, some important main parameters are resolved and the financial correlation is not forward。Such as: key parts inventory, external sets

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